Investment performance. See how returns are related to the risk you take.

Portfolio benchmark performance

A benchmark is a standard that you can measure other performance against. Our benchmark is based on global investment markets.

This chart shows the average annual performance of our portfolio benchmarks over the last 24 years. Our Core and Good Practice portfolios are all measured against these benchmarks.

The risk levels correspond to Portfolios 1 - 10 in our Core and Good Practice portfolio ranges.

Portfolio performance - Core Portfolio range

This table shows the average annual performance of our Core portfolio range against our benchmark over the last 6 years up to December 2024. The risk levels correspond to Portfolios 1 - 10. Hover over each Risk Level to see the comparison data.

Portfolio performance - Good Practice Portfolio range

This table shows the average annual performance of our Good Practice portfolio range against our benchmark since the portfolio start date in April 2022 to December 2024. The risk levels correspond to Portfolios 1 - 10. Hover over each Risk Level to see the comparison data.

More information

To understand more about why we invest in this way, please read our investment philosophy, or get in touch to ask your questions directly.

You can read about the volatility of this portfolio and its diversification, showing how the underlying investments are spread across the world.

Important notes

As with all investing, your capital is at risk. The value of your investment portfolio can go down as well as up. You may get back less than you originally invested.

While our portfolios are designed to track the investment markets as a benchmark, there will be differences between benchmark and actual portfolio returns.

Figures do not account for the impact of any product, platform or advice charges.

Figures provided are not a forecast of expected returns. It is not an indication of the maximum or minimum returns you could receive if you invest in our portfolios.