Intelligently designed investment portfolios
Invest | Grow | Protect
With our range of portfolios, we have the perfect fit for you.
Here are the top 3 things you need to know.
Consistently strong performance, in line with market benchmarks.
Low cost and well diversified, which minimises volatility and protects your investment growth.
Responsible investment option available to support your personal values.
In our Core portfolio, the focus is on investing for good returns while keeping things simple and low-cost.
In our Good Practice portfolio, the funds are tilted towards companies demonstrating good practice using Responsible investing criteria. Companies are measured in several ways, including how they manage 3 issues: environmental sustainability, social responsibility and good governance.
Where does your financial plan take you?
A well-managed investment portfolio is key to the success of any financial plan.
At Balance: Wealth Planning, we specialise in constructing personal financial plans, structuring your wealth to give you the best chance of achieving your goals for now and the future. Our range of investment portfolios are one of the tools we can use to help you.
To find out more, visit our financial planning website, and talk to one of our expert financial planners.
As with all investing, your capital is at risk. The value of your investment portfolio can go down as well as up. You may get back less than you originally invested.